Monday, September 14, 2015

Command Center Proposal

My proposal for a command center would be to have the main control unit control the motion of the carts. This is due to the limited proceswing power of the arduino, however proximity sensors may be used for real time safety to avoid collisions with other carts and other objects that may get in the way. 

The way I would like it to work is to talk to other carts to know the positions and find their own route, however this would be difficult to program into the arduino which would need the algorithms and the data for all the track such as all roads and station information. If the track were to change then this information would have to be updated for each cart. With this current design the carts are completely docile to the command center which selects the routes and tells the cart how to move in real time. Ideally the routes would be sent to the carts and they would then drive them selves. That may be possible when we decide what kind of positioning system to use. If possible the ideal system to have would be a system that mimics GPS as LPS. However way points may be required for more accurate positioning. Hopefully we can develop a system that would not rely on assumptions on the position of the cart. 

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