Saturday, September 12, 2015

Week 2 - Team Positions


Today was the day we were put into our groups and have things finalized. I joined the project management group when we were told to divide into the groups our names were listed in. I went in not knowing what to expect and dived right in for the small scale project manager. Getting the position was the easy part, actually getting everyone organized is turning out to be a nightmare since everyone wants to do the same thing on the team. I had to personally ask people to work under the track team, and I'm still trying to figure out the carts team. I'm planning to have everyone work of all parts of the small scale model, however I need people in different groups who specialize in their respective sub-teams so I know what needs to get done, and know that someone has a plan to get it done.

There are many things I want to accomplish by the end of this year. First is to modularize the small scale track in a way that we can easily replace parts of the track to modify and to expand it. The second thing would be to develop a command center that is capable of controlling multiple carts so they can work efficiently, I think this is the greatest challenge ahead of us, its a good thing we have a lot of people who want to work in controls, its unfortunate there aren't enough of us. And as a second tier goal, I would like to see the intermediate scale bogey replicated in the small scale model. I feel like most of our team is going to be programming a lot of things this semester, hopefully we can get the first prototype for the control center done, that is my goal for this project. Anything done in small scale can then be transferred to the intermediate scale.

I hope the team starts talking soon since I only really have their emails, and I started a google doc. Hopefully we can get the work we need to get done to at least meet deadlines for now, then we can start moving forward.

1 comment:

  1. Henry,

    > everyone wants to do the same thing on the team.

    In your proposal, I think it will be helpful to look at the end goal, and work your way backwards to identify critical steps. What if you then present such a layout (both in timeframe and in physical (geometric?) terms and ask the others how they might fill in the pieces between here and there.

    I once heard the former CEO of CitiGroup advise people starting in their careers to "interpolate, don't extrapolate." (Look ahead and then figure out how to get there, don't just "follow your nose.") See for more details.
